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Skiing With Leland and Snowshoeing Again

I'm a little behind in the blogs. First on January 26, 2018 I went Skiing with my cousin Leland at Nakiska Ski resort. Unfortunately my gimbal batteries are not a big fan of the cold. A short video of the trip should be coming up soon as I'm close to completion of that Video. With my fingers cross, I hope to have it uploaded today but I don't want to make any promises.

Later as of yesterday, we (Rhonda, Carla, Villi and myself) went snowshoeing at Sawmill. I was a short half day trek about 5 km. After that we had a later lunch at the Pocaterra Hut. Pocaterra Hut is the old information center for Kananaskis Provincial parks. I have the videos and pictures from the trip so I will get a YouTube video up for that one too in the near future.

Also as promise, the first Europe 2008 video is near completion but I might wait till they are all complete and send then out together.



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